

When most of us were 16 years old, we were focused on getting our driver’s license, enjoying high school, considering where we wanted to go to college, or figuring out what our adult lives would be like, or all of these things at once. Not Jody Bell. At 16, Jody already knew what she wanted to do. She created her first non-profit, In Case of Deportation, an organization focused on...
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It reads like a storyline for a Spielberg production. But it’s exactly what happened at the Sottile Theatre in 2011 when construction crews removed acoustic tiles from the walls during renovation. What they discovered beneath were two classically styled murals hiding behind years of dust and layers of adhesive.
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At the 25th annual Cistern Society donor luncheon in February 2020, Peggy Cieslikowski, director of Planned Giving, announced the launch of the Porter’s Circle, which aims to recognize young alumni who are no more than 15 years out of college who make a planned gift of at least five percent from any asset in their...
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When the College of Charleston announced March 19 that students would not be returning to campus during the COVID-19 pandemic, many members of the CofC community reached out to ask how to help. This health crisis presented a challenge unlike anything the College has faced in modern times. Yet the CofC Family came together as...
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It will be impossible to replicate the impact that Meyer had on generations of students and alumni at the College of Charleston. He was the bridge between the past and present, and now his scholarship recipients will serve as the continuation of his legacy.
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The Student Garden, which is sponsored and maintained through the master of science in Environmental and Sustainability Studies Program at the College of Charleston, began a new garden installation in spring 2019 at Stono Preserve: the Hidden Hands Garden. This new installation is a part of an already existing and thriving garden that has been functioning since 2012 and has...
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Sam Gooding ’20 is not an alumnus yet, but you’d never know it after speaking with him. The commercial real estate major is a team member at Coastal Equity Group and the 2019–20 president of the Student Alumni Associates (SAA).
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For Chak Or ’19, studying abroad in Cambodia was more than seeing another part of the world: It was about reconnecting with his roots and walking the grounds of the country his parents fled.  
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ForWhen College of Charleston music major Tianyu Liu ’21 stepped on stage to play for the first round of the Michael Hill International Violin Competition, he was bolstered by the presence of his father, and his mentor and professor, Lee-Chin Siow. He had beat out hundreds of entrants to be one of 16 violin players to participate in his...
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Richard Maclean ’88,  a College of Charleston School of Business graduate and co-founder and managing partner of Frontier Capital, established the Maclean Business “Ready to Work” Scholarship with an initial commitment of $150,000. 
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