
Thanks to the German and Russian Department’s discretionary fund, Jeffrey Werth ’25 gained the German language skills to thrive at BMW’s Munich headquarters. Now, he’s not only reshaping his career path, but blazing a trail for a new generation of global engineers at the College.
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Jakob Highducheck ’26, a biology major in the Honors College and recipient of the College of Charleston Foundation Annual Scholarship, has been selected by the US-UK Fulbright Commission to attend a four-week summer program at the University of Exeter’s Institute of Global Sustainability.
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The undergraduate class of 2024 totaled 1,386. Six graduates who received scholarships are profiled: Amber Anderson, psychology major; Bea Lemaster, theatre studies major; Destiny Humphrey, arts management and marketing double major and entrepreneurship minor; Angela Nganga, meteorology major; Lilliana Taylor, public health major and music and medical humanities double minor at the Honors College; and...
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Grateful for all the support he has received at the College, Anthony Rovinski ’24, a chemistry major and Spanish minor, paid it forward by playing a pivotal role in reducing toxic emissions on campus. “For me, I knew that I belonged at CofC after I toured the campus years ago,” says Rovinski. “Thanks to my...
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Sabine Lang has seen numerous people struggle with dyslexia and come out on top. “Dyslexia is probably one of the most misunderstood conditions in our society,” says Lang. “It is not a disability; it’s a learning difference. Many highly successful people are dyslexic so it’s clearly not an academic liability.” Lang created the Sabine Lang...
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The College of Charleston community is feeling the loss of one of its greatest champions, Karen Linehan Mroz, who passed away January 13, 2024. Karen made an impact on many lives around the globe and shared her experiences and passions with the College of Charleston community. She worked in both the nonprofit and private sectors...
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In 2019, Lynn Luckey Moody ’93 lost her battle with mental distress and chronic illness. She left behind many who loved her, including her husband Scott Moody ’91 and their two children, Elizabeth and Marshall.   To keep Lynn’s memory alive, her family created the Lynn L. Moody Endowment for Mental Health and Suicide Awareness, which...
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MEET A SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENT Olivia Yalden ’23 • Toms River, NJ Public health major with the Honors College Swanson ICAT Endowed Scholarship Amazing opportunities await if you are willing to put yourself out there: That’s what Olivia Yalden has discovered during her time at the College.    “There are so many amazing professors who will go above and...
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MEET A SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENT Jaheim President ’23 • Summerville, SC Middle grades education major Representative Floyd Breeland Scholarship Once you’ve met him, you won’t forget Jaheim President. His larger-than-life personality and his overwhelming positive attitude are extraordinary. Given that, it only seems fitting that he – and the rest of the world – learned about his acceptance...
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MEET A SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENT Kangkang Kovacs (M.F.A. ’23) • Mt. Pleasant, SC Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing Dorothea Benton Frank Fellow A tomboy kid thumbing her nose at the gender norms in her hometown in southeast China, a doctoral student studying nuclear physics at the University of Virginia, a scientist teaching math and...
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