September 2024


Otis Franklin, Gabrielle Mann, Trinity Metcalf and Ramsey Ray
This year marks the fourth year of the 1967 Legacy Program. The incoming 1967 Legacy Scholars continue to be an asset to the campus community.   “When I think of these four cohorts of talented and ambitious Legacy Scholars, these 39 leaders of tomorrow, I am beyond thankful for the College of Charleston family of faculty,...
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Angelina Fierko
Thanks to the Lindner Family Scholarship for Communications, Angelina Fierko ’26 interned with the Philadelphia Eagles in the Ticket and Fan Services Department. For Fierko, the experience was a dream come true and increased her passion for sports and live-entertainment.
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Xi Cui and Lauren Hasse of Ketchum
The Martin Center for Mentorship in Communication has multiple programs to inspire and develop a future generation of leaders and mentors among today’s outstanding communication students, ranging from the Martin Scholars Program to the Mentor-Protégé Program. The Martin Center also has a Faculty Shadowing Program to foster more robust relationships between those who educate and...
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